Tuesday, April 27, 2010

novel moved and New poem: "Shame on You"

The beginning of my novel has been moved to somewhere where it does not distract from the poetry. It is currently at  http://stopbythestars.blogspot.com/
Feel free to take a look, I have made some changes since it was last posted here.

Shame on You

Honesty does not become you,
because, as always, the devil lies
in only the details:
systematically gaining trust and crippling it
removing but a grain at a time from the sandcastle.
And it collapses with no one the wiser.

So don't patronize me, appealing
to some abstract sense of fairness or truth.
I heard you last night.
not even the nacht of tar can clothe your nakedness.
You are no longer the child who dismantled those sandcastles,
those carefully-structured dreams with their sandy halls,
the tan pillars weakening with every touch.

stop undermining every soul entrusted to you,
you observer! You spectator!
merely watching and waiting for the moment
the raw underbelly is exposed,
waiting for a chance to take advantage.

So no more details: let us hear it straight
what did you do with the blood red wine?

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