Friday, October 29, 2010

Defining Poem

I have decided that I want to make a poem describing why I chose "Piercing the Madness" as the name of my Plog (poem blog).

"Do we really inhabit the same reality?"
I wonder with minds eye wandering through mists.

Peering through cold clouded glass,
fogged by my existence, and yours,
eyes searching the blizzard for more
than the walls of white
flakes viciously hurling themselves:
kamikazes with terrible purpose.
Yet the swirling day turns to the
frosted, teeming night,
The vigil of the virgins,
waiting for a sign, for a word, a glimpse.
Perhaps I can see someday,
perhaps I will pierce the madness.

theme song:
ps do not watch the video it is too silly and dumb

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