Thursday, August 16, 2018

An introduction to Zombie finance

I assure you that my brain is perfectly healthy
Top condition really - you'd be insane not to offer 2 million.

I'd be insane to accept any less - if I am going to work until my neurons die then I might as well get something for it and maybe pay down some school debt. Who's overeducated now!

Well, you'll have to excuse us - a Masters in Arts History is not the most valuable asset for The Engine, I guess we could use it for design consulting. We really prefer Physics and Math majors - helps with the engineering simulations - their design suggestions are often ingenious too - provided you can get them to suggest anything. Such divas. 

The Engine, distributed and intelligent virtualized minds - continuing their life's work when the body moves on. Who needs Artificial Intelligence when you have real intelligence decomposing and being buried every day? 

It's intelligence on tap - at a bargain price - brains are a buyers market with the debt economy. It's the newest fad really, if you don't have any debt then you must not be living! At least that's the catchphrase. The black market is booming too - legend has it that the Russia and China are educating and harvesting their prison population.

So here I am, amongst the desperate and intelligent, bargaining myself away "1.5 million - final offer"

Death has never looked so good.